Best time to do Langtang Valley Trek

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  • Last Updated on Jul 3, 2024

The best time to embark on the adventure to Langtang Region is in the Spring and Autumn seasons. During these times, usually, the weather remains stable delivering blue skies and mild temperature, best for the trekking. Spring provides blooming natural wildflowers like rhododendron throughout the trail whereas, autumn brings crispy air, clear views, and festival vibes to the Langtang. 

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Choosing the best time to do the Langtang Valley trek allows you to experience wonderful times near the Tibetan Border of Nepal. The journey to Langtang is just 122 KM away from the Kathmandu Valley taking you to the height of 3800 meters at Kyanjin Gompa. It is a golden opportunity to explore Langtang's unspoiled Himalayan beauty, unique culture, and natural serenity.

The Langtang National Park is the home of numerous wildlife. During the Langtang Valley Trek, you will experience the change in vegetation from Sub-tropical to Temperate and lastly alpine vegetation.  Likewise, Red Panda, Himalayan Thar, Ghoral, etc. are the animals found in the national park. Besides this Hike to Kyanjin Ri or Tserko Ri delivers outstanding views of mountains like Langtang Lirung, Dorje Lakpa, Yala Peak, and many others.

Langtang trek in the Peak trekking season of Nepal

The months of Spring (March-May) and Autumn (September-November) are the ultimate trekking season in Nepal. During these months, Langtang Valley also receives many trekkers.

Langtang Trekking in Spring Season (March-May)

Spring is a lively and beautiful season to do Langtang Trek. The season features blooming wildflowers, green forests, good temperatures, and lovely views. It is a pre-monsoon time. That means the weather in higher altitudes is not that cold. This is why, Spring is the best time to do the Langtang Valley Trek.

The weather of Langtang Valley in Spring

Generally, it a pleasant weather in Langtang during the months of spring season. The temperature during the daytime stays between 10-20 ⁰C. Whereas during the night, it drops down to 0-5⁰ C.

Langtang Trekking in Autumn Season (September-November)

The Autumn season brings so much joy during the trek in Langtang. It is the time when the monsoon ends and brings clear views of hills and mountains. Moreover, exceptional visibility, mild temperature, festival vibes, and green lush trekking trails make this trek more exciting. Hence, this season is another best time to do the Langtang Valley Trek.

The weather of Langtang Valley in Autumn

You can expect dry weather during the day in the Autumn season. During the day time, the temperature stays between 20-25 ⁰C, and during the night time, it stays between 5-10⁰C. That is why Autumn is a perfect time to do the Langtang Valley trekking.

Langtang Trekking in the off-season

The Monsoon and Winter seasons are regarded as the off-season in Nepal. Winter season is too cold for wandering around the Himalayas. Whereas, the Monsoon season receives a lot of rainfall which makes trekking difficult.

Langtang Trek in Winter Season (December-February)

The winter season remains between December and February, which is severe cold in the Himalayas. That is why winter is known as the off-season for trekking in Nepal. Despite the coldness, the views during this time are as clear as during the spring or autumn. Trekking in winter is not recommended because of the chances of snowfall and weather changes.

The weather of Langtang in the Winter Season

Even though you can bear the temperature of Langtang during the day, the nights are freezing. It drops below 0 degrees Celsius. You must have hot clothes if you want to trek in winter. Otherwise, we do not recommend it without proper preparation.

Langtang Region in Monsoon Season (June-August)

Trekking in the Upper Himalayas during the monsoon is very difficult. Heavy rainfall leads to landslides, floods, slippery trails, and leeches as well. It is very challenging to do the trekking in the Langtang region. Likewise, the visibility of the mountains is very poor because of the clouds hovering around. The temperature during the day in monsoon remains between 25-30 degrees. Whereas at night it stays between 10-18 Degrees Celsius.


Which is the best season to do Langtang Trek?

The best time to do Langtang Valley Trek is Spring and Autumn.

Is it possible to trek to Langtang in the Winter season?

It is possible to do Langtang Trek in Winter with better planning and preparation against the cold weather.

Do the teahouses open during the monsoon season in Langtang?

Yeah, teahouses are open even during the monsoon season.

Should I bring a sleeping bag for Langtang Trek?

Yes, a sleeping bag is a must during the trek in Langtang Region. No matter which month you go for trekking, a sleeping bag is essential.

How difficult is the Langtang Valley Trek?

It is graded as an easy-to-moderate trek based on your trekking experience and itinerary. 5-Day Langtang Trek can be challenging whereas 8-Day Langtang Valley Trekking can be easy.


Have you decided the best time to do Langtang Valley Trek for you? If yes, then please reach out to us and Mountain Eco Trails will take care of the rest. We assist you in doing the permit work, logistics, and all the services you looking for during the Langtang Trekking. Please feel free to contact Mountain Eco Trails for further queries.

Check out other similar trekking in the Langtang Region




Anil Lamsal, a highly dedicated and creative content writer, has been involved in the Nepal tourism sector since 2018. He has been to most of the mountains in Nepal, which gives him enough depth and knowledge about the trekking regions of Nepal. Moreover, his enthusiasm and passion for developing tourism in Nepal have brought him here to this position.  You can connect with him on social media like his Facebook Profile or Instagram. 

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