Best Nepal Trekking in Monsoon

  • Admin
  • Last Updated on Jun 12, 2024

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Choosing the best Nepal Trekking in Monsoon is always tricky. While the best times to trek in Nepal are Spring and Autumn, trekking in the monsoon season in Nepal has its advantages. Smelly earth, green hills, waterfalls, clouds running in the blue sky, and mountains, sound amazing, isn’t it? Moreover, with proper planning and preparation, all age groups can do the Monsoon Trekking in Nepal. You must have your safety gear like waterproof jackets, trekking poles, hiking boots with spikes, and raincoats.

Mountain Eco Trails is here to help you in organize the best Nepal Trekking in the Monsoon season. We can assist you in providing the weather forecast, trekking itinerary, guide, permits, porters, and other guidance. Feel free to get in touch with us.

Nepal Monsoon Season

Nepal's monsoon or rainy season starts in June and ends in mid-August. It is true that during the rainy season, Nepal receives massive rainfall. However, there are a few trekking places in Nepal that are not affected by the rain. We are so, which is the best monsoon trek in Nepal? This blog provides you with the best Nepal trekking in Monsoon.

Top Monsoon Treks to do during June, July, and August

Upper Mustang Trekking

The Upper Mustang Trekking lies in the rain shadow part of the Himalayas. This place is also known as the desert of Nepal for receiving less amount of rainfall. Hence, trekking to the Mustang is one of the best monsoon treks in Nepal. The unique and dry landscapes, dramatic canyons, Culture, and Himalayan peaks make this trek more fascinating than other treks in Nepal. Moreover, the journey to Mustang takes between 12-15 days. “Lho-Manthang” is the most popular city in Mustang surrounded by walls. There are several monasteries, Gompas, and caves around the Lho.

Shey Phoksundo Trek in Monsoon

The Shey Phoksundo Lake Trekking is a remarkable journey to one of the wonders of Nepal. It lies in the Dolpo Region, which is another rain shadow region of Nepal. Its deep blueish water and the Himalayan backdrop make this trek worthy. Likewise, the trail is less crowded and known by only a few travelers. If you want a peaceful trek and enjoy the natural serenity during monsoon, then this trek is recommended.

Langtang Valley Trek

A journey near the Kathmandu Valley that takes you to the hidden gem of Langtang National Park. Even though this trek is not popular during the monsoon, if you want a less crowded trail then this trip is right for you. Langtang Trek is an easy and quick trek from Kathmandu Valley. It takes you to the north of Kathmandu passing Trishuli Highway to the Langtang. One of the reasons to trek Langtang during monsoon is the unmatching natural beauty of the national park. You can feel the pure nature while walking through the forest. And lastly, jaw-dropping landscapes and mountains.

Poon Hill Trek from Pokhara

Ghorepani Poon Hill Trekking from Pokhara is the best short trek in Nepal. You can finish this trek within 3-4 days even during the rainy season. Go on Poon Hill Trek to see the mighty Annapurna and Dhaulagiri Range through the Annapurna Conservation Area. This journey to Poon Hill is easy and suitable for any group of people.

Everest Short Trek

If you are lucky enough to get a flight to Lukla in Monsoon, then this Everest Short Trek won’t disappoint you. However, if you have enough time Everest Base Camp Trek in Monsoon is also doable with proper planning. Everest Short Trek takes you to the famous Namche Bazaar and hike to Everest View Hotel. The journey gives you a glimpse of Mt. Everest, Sherpa culture, natural beauty, and adventure in a quick time.

Tsum Valley Trek

Tsum Valley Trek in the Manaslu region is another amazing trip offering serene and cultural beauty at the same time. This trek is more of a cultural sight with Himalayan beauty. You can see many chortens and mani walls carved with prayers and mantras. It is one of the restricted trekking regions of Nepal that takes you near the Tibetan Border. The visit to Tsum Valley allows you to learn the lifestyle of Tibetan people.

Tips for Monsoon Trekking in Nepal

Nepal Trekking in Monsoon promises a lush forest, green hills, culture, and less crowded trails. However, you may face some set of challenges and difficulties. Considering it, we have some tips for monsoon treks in Nepal:

  • Choose the right trek in the rain shadow region and lower altitude.
  • Pack your backpack with waterproof gear like rainwear, Jackets, quick dry clothing, etc.
  • Always start your trek early in the morning to avoid possible rainfall during the day.
  • Walk slowly and carefully along the muddy trail.
  • Keep updating the weather forecast during the trek.
  • Ask about the trail to the local people before departing for the next stop.
  • Moreover, always hire a guide while trekking in Monsoon.


Is it safe to travel to Nepal in Monsoon?

It is safe to travel to Nepal in the Monsoon with proper preparation.

When does the monsoon start in Nepal?

The monsoon starts in June in Nepal & ends in mid-August.

What are the best monsoon treks in Nepal?

The best monsoon treks in Nepal are Upper Mustang Trek, Nar Phu Valley Trek, Langtang Valley, Poon Hill Trek and many more.

Can I trek alone in Monsoon without a guide?

According to the NTB, you can’t trek alone in Nepal since 2023. Moreover, during the monsoon, trekking solo is always a risk.  

Which is the best time to do trekking in Nepal?

Spring and Autumn seasons are the best times to do trekking in Nepal.

Takeaway on the Monsoon Trekking in Nepal

Finally, it is crucial to pick the right time to go on high-altitude trekking in Nepal. Nepal Trekking in Monsoon is equally challenging and rewarding at the same time. A less crowded route with lush green forests and charming landscapes is always on the card. Whereas, flight cancellations, leeches, muddy trails, regular rainfall, etc. are the major challenges you may face during the monsoon trek in Nepal.



Anil Lamsal, a highly dedicated and creative content writer, has been involved in the Nepal tourism sector since 2018. He has been to most of the mountains in Nepal, which gives him enough depth and knowledge about the trekking regions of Nepal. Moreover, his enthusiasm and passion for developing tourism in Nepal have brought him here to this position.  You can connect with him on social media like his Facebook Profile or Instagram. 

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